Now more than ever we need to support one another. The current state of our planet is devastating, everyone being on lock down, activism coming to a halt, events having to be cancelled and vegan businesses struggling.
This is why we are launching a campaign called 'Vegans Support Vegans'

We can't stress enough that now more than ever it is vital to support Vegan Founded businesses. The big corporations that make vegan options will survive, small Vegan Founded businesses and charities may not.
Save this image, share it around and remind people that we are a strong and united community that supports each other, especially when things get tough.

You can use this image we have made for the campaign or post pictures of yourself being supportive of another vegan, a vegan charity or business and use the hashtags #VegansSupportVegans and #VeganFounded in your supportive posts for us to share with our audience to get the message out there! ✊
Remember, we are ALWAYS in this together.
Veganism unites us in such a strong way. We all want the world to be a better place and we ALL feel like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders sometimes. Be there for each other.
For specific support surrounding Coronavirus and tools to help your business, visit our page HERE. It has freebies, useful links to save you time, downloads and advice.
Peace and Love, Claire and Ross - Founders 💚