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How Going Vegan Was A Significant Step In Healing Our Chronic Diseases

Sarah - Lilith Natural Beauty

I trust 100% in the wisdom of my body. I know that my body is ALWAYS striving

for health and wellbeing and that she knows exactly what she needs to be

healthy. But I am an exception. Sadly, we have been taught to view our bodies as our

enemy, always letting us down, not good enough and that they go inexplicably

wrong needing medication, intervention and more! If you take time to look around you, you will notice that chronic dis-ease is the new norm, rates of ill health are rocketing like never before and life expectancy is set to get shorter for the first time in many generations.

Why is this?

In my view, it doesn’t take a PhD to realise the whole planet - all the animals

and eco systems - are under massive strain and toxic burden and so my guess

is that THIS could well have something to do with the levels of dis-ease being

suffered by us all: animals included!

Hi there, my name is Sarah, my daughter is Maddie, and we are the founders of

Lilith Natural Beauty, a vegan, all natural and ethically sourced skincare range.

And here is our story.

I (Sarah) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 and then it returned in 2016. My

doctors were hoping to get me to five years with the help of chemotherapy.

Maddie was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis aged 13 and was told she

would lose her hair, not be able to have children, put on a lot of weight and need

to be on medication for the rest of her life.

I am delighted to report that I am still alive 8 years on and that we are both now

happy, healthy and thriving without the need of chemotherapy or medication of

any sort.

How did we do this?

We are gluten free vegans (or Freegans as we like to call ourselves)!!!

As I said earlier, I trust my body implicitly and so the first port of call in my

cancer healing journey was a programme of huge detoxification including liver

cleanses, parasite cleanses, juice cleanses and low vibrational thought

cleanses: I got grateful! Grateful for everything in my life right down to the air I

was breathing 24/7 and the cancer for forcing me onto my healing path!

I was drinking a litre of freshly made fruit and veggie juice a day and my skin

began to turn orange from all the beta-carotene in the carrots!!

I also did a fair few holistic treatments and ate plenty of cancer combatting

foods, herbs and more.

In general, the natural cancer healing community highly recommend a clean,

wholesome plant-based diet and now I understand why!

For Maddie with Hashimoto’s going dairy (and egg) free and gluten free was

key. She also watches her alcohol intake and sugar intake too (as do I)!

We both now avidly read ALL labels and were horrified when we discovered so

many toxins are allowed in our skincare. 60% of what we put on our skin is

absorbed into the body; it is 100% legal for them to put known carcinogens,

mutagenic substances AND chemicals which disrupt the reproductive system

into our body care products, and this is why we began making our own products

which eventually led us to launching Lilith Natural Beauty!

As vegans we all understand the cruelty involved in farming animals. But there

are so many unhealthy practises used in farming too, unhealthy for the animal

AND unhealthy for those who eat the animals!

The list is far too extensive for me to go into here but some good examples of

why meat is not a ‘healthy’ option for humans to eat include corn fed beef

having way too much omega 6 in it because corn is not their natural food and so

our bodies are pulled out of balance as a result. Pigs are fed pellets made from

ground up food scraps including the plastic wrapping… it makes NO sense for

us to ingest their flesh and put it in our bodies too! By avoiding meat, we also

avoid the hormones and anti-biotics the animals are filled with. Processed

meats are well documented to be carcinogenic. Pork is known for being full of

cancer tumours which are simply cut out and thrown away, whilst the rest of the

body is cut up for human consumption. The oceans are full of heavy metals and

so if you eat fish…you are eating mercury. The list goes on and on and on!

Surely then, it is no wonder that going vegan supports the body on its journey

out of dis-ease and back to health and wellbeing. As I said earlier, our bodies

know how to be well and are always trying to be well! We just have to get out of

their way and give them what they need to thrive…and they will!

Important Disclaimer!

At this point I MUST say very clearly indeed that I am not a medical

professional, and I am simply sharing our journey from dis-ease back to full

health. I will never recommend that anyone ignores their doctor’s advice and

there are no guarantees, quick fixes or promises of glowing health if you go

vegan, detox, juice or do anything else that Maddie and I did! I am simply

sharing our story and our thoughts.

And whilst we are on this topic of caution, I want to add a word of caution

regarding going vegan. Simply cutting out meat and dairy does not necessarily

automatically give you good health. There are plenty of vegan alternatives

available now which I class as quite ‘unhealthy’. Processed, chemical or preservative laden vegan alternatives should never replace the powerhouse of vibrant energies of natural, living and awesome fruit and vegetables…the true life giving and nourishing gifts from Mother Nature.

That said, is going vegan the way forward for our health and the wellbeing of the planet and all our winged, furred and scaled brothers and sisters?


Here’s to all of our good health!

Sarah Reynolds

Co-Founder Lilith Natural Beauty

If you would like to find out more about Sarah and Maddie's story, or shop their vegan, all natural and ethically sourced skincare range - click here.



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