FarrinHeight Foods

Market Harborough, UK
Reg number:
FarrinHeight Foods - Compassionate Catering was born way back in February 2007 out of our love of cooking vegetarian food and the lack of places to eat out in Market Harborough for veggie & vegan diners. We began hosting regular vegetarian & vegan pop up dining nights in Joules Yard & Eating House just off the High Street and were known then as The Greenhouse Vegetarian Restaurant. In 2013 we changed our name to FarrinHeight Foods (an apt amalgamation of our surnames: Farrington & Height), bought a gazebo and went mobile trading at farmers markets around the Harborough District. This led to invitations to attend local food & craft fairs, small music festivals and community events, and opened the door to us selling street food. In October 2014 we were approached by edibLE16 (an online shopping site for local food and drink producers) to sell our products online. On 24 June 2015 both partners went vegan so naturally FarrinHeight Foods’ menus went completely vegan too. Mrs FHFoods gave up meat in 1984 then gradually cut out all other animal products until only cheese remained. Mr FHFoods went from pescatarian to vegan overnight. Today, we continue to make and sell our vegan produce & street food at farmers markets, food fairs, festivals, shows, weddings and other community events in Market Harborough and the surrounding district. We continue to host pop up dining nights in a local hall - the themed menus change monthly and always feature options using no gluten containing ingredients. A % of our pop up night profits is shared between the Leicestershire Wildlife Hospital and the Brook Farm Animal Sanctuary.